mugs & cups

Mugs are harder to make since a handle has to be pulled (or crafted) separately, both parts hardened to leather hard before attaching carefully (so the handle is vertical and an appealing size and shape). Handles can add character to the cup form. 


Mama Bear, Papa Bear and Just Right Baby Bear, cups set

Carvings inspired by a design on cloth...
(seen during the Pandemic in 2020 while going through my cloth while making makes).

Experimenting (in 2021) with adding a handle when the cup is still soft, before trimming the foot even.

You Can't Drink This Coffee (can't drink these beans!).


Whacked texture.

Thyme for Myself

Whale Tail & Fish (mug and bowl)

Picasso inspired.

Rumi Quote: 
"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other along."


Lidded Om (copper wire added later to lift lid).

Roses & Georgia O'Keeffe quote: 
"Nobody sees a flower really; it is so small. 
We haven't time, and to see takes time - like to have a friend takes time."

Feel Good

Spirals in copper carbinate.

Crows for Five Crows.

Crow mugs for a custom order when a treasured gifted one was broken (2021). 

I Hear You

These cups (and most of my comfort pottery) feel great to hold while using (for water, juice, wine and beer). I have made many more cups...see "sets" for more animals and others.

All contents of this site are property of Debra A. Griffin ©1981-2022. 
No images on this site may be used without permission.